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Human drivers now often share the road with driverless vehicles, and this situation is likely to continue until all vehicles are driverless. The interactions between drivers and driverless cars can result in hazardous scenarios due to human driving patterns and driver distrust of autonomous vehicle technology. Driverless cars display less variability in driving patterns than human drivers; the differences sometimes surprise the human driver and can cause accidents. Driverless cars tend to get rear-ended by drivers at yellow lights when the driverless vehicle slows down and the driver behind it speeds up.
Researchers at the new Arizona State University Center for Human, Artificial Intelligence, and Robot Teaming (CHART) are developing a simulation testbed called CHARTOPOLIS. The goal of CHARTOPOLIS is to mitigate the probability of hazardous scenarios by investigating on-the-road interactions between autonomous vehicles and human drivers in a safe, controlled environment.
Subramanyam, R. et al., 2018. Chartopolis – A Self Driving Car Test Bed, pp.ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.